Treffers 1 t/m 33 van 33
Familienaam, Voorna(a)m(en) | Geboorte | Persoon-ID | ||
1 | Boel, Gezina Wilhelmina Derkje | 1958 | Gorssel | I5789 |
2 | Brummelman, Willemina Johanna | 1839 | Gorssel | I8919 |
3 | Hoeve, Berendine | 1872 | Gorssel | I5670 |
4 | Hoeve, Hendrika | 1870 | Gorssel | I5674 |
5 | Horsman, Harmina | 1896 | Gorssel | I5813 |
6 | Janzen, Berend | 1832 | Gorssel | I5875 |
7 | Nijkamp, Alberta | 1893 | Gorssel | I3392 |
8 | Nijkamp, Jan | 1830 | Gorssel | I11937 |
9 | Nijkamp, Jan | 1860 | Gorssel | I11931 |
10 | Nijland, Gerrit Jan | 1812 | Gorssel | I11955 |
11 | Nijland, Harmina | 1861 | Gorssel | I11952 |
12 | Nijland, Jan Albert | 1855 | Gorssel | I11951 |
13 | Nijland, Jan Albert | 1897 | Gorssel | I5812 |
14 | Nijland, Johanna Hendrika | 1866 | Gorssel | I11930 |
15 | Scholten, Jan | 1801 | Gorssel | I8858 |
16 | Swaters, Aaltjen | 1862 | Gorssel | I5582 |
17 | Swaters, Derk | 1854 | Gorssel | I5640 |
18 | Swaters, Fenneken | 1858 | Gorssel | I5675 |
19 | Tichelman, Albert Jan | 1875 | Gorssel | I5802 |
20 | Tichelman, Berend | 1930 | Gorssel | I5435 |
21 | Tichelman, Berendina | 1919 | Gorssel | I10161 |
22 | Tichelman, Evert Jan | 1864 | Gorssel | I10145 |
23 | Tichelman, Gerritjen | 1879 | Gorssel | I5803 |
24 | Tichelman, Hendrik Jan | 1861 | Gorssel | I8718 |
25 | Tichelman, Hendrik Jan | 1863 | Gorssel | I10160 |
26 | Tichelman, Hendrika Gardina | 1876 | Gorssel | I8282 |
27 | Tichelman, Herman | 1901 | Gorssel | I5690 |
28 | Tichelman, Herman | 1910 | Gorssel | I5691 |
29 | Tichelman, Jaantje | 1934 | Gorssel | I5471 |
30 | Tichelman, Jan | 1892 | Gorssel | I5709 |
31 | Tichelman, Willem | 1897 | Gorssel | I5799 |
32 | Tichelman, Willem | 1898 | Gorssel | I5800 |
33 | Velders, Harmina | 1823 | Gorssel | I5874 |
Treffers 1 t/m 20 van 20
Familienaam, Voorna(a)m(en) | Overleden | Persoon-ID | ||
1 | Boel, Gezina Wilhelmina Derkje | 1960 | Gorssel | I5789 |
2 | Hoeve, Berendine | 1960 | Gorssel | I5670 |
3 | Janzen, Berend | 1832 | Gorssel | I5875 |
4 | Janzen, Everdiena | 1859 | Gorssel | I5500 |
5 | Koerselman, Geertjen | 1852 | Gorssel | I5502 |
6 | Nijkamp, Gerrit Jan | 1936 | Gorssel | I9322 |
7 | Nijkamp, Jan | 1946 | Gorssel | I11931 |
8 | Sprokkelhorst, Elizabeth | 1978 | Gorssel | I5710 |
9 | Tichelman, Albert Jan | 1896 | Gorssel | I5802 |
10 | Tichelman, Berend | 2000 | Gorssel | I5435 |
11 | Tichelman, Berend Jan | 1866 | Gorssel | I5499 |
12 | Tichelman, Evert Jan | 1864 | Gorssel | I10145 |
13 | Tichelman, Garrit Hendrik | 1877 | Gorssel | I5679 |
14 | Tichelman, Garrit Jan | 1946 | Gorssel | I5669 |
15 | Tichelman, Hendrik Jan | 1862 | Gorssel | I8718 |
16 | Tichelman, Hendrik Jan | 1863 | Gorssel | I10160 |
17 | Tichelman, Hendrika Garritdina | 1861 | Gorssel | I10144 |
18 | Tichelman, Jan | 1976 | Gorssel | I5709 |
19 | Velders, Bart | 1825 | Gorssel | I5873 |
20 | Velders, Harmina | 1825 | Gorssel | I5874 |
Treffers 1 t/m 26 van 26
Gezin | Getrouwd | Gezins-ID | ||
1 | Bruens / Tichelman | 1867 | Gorssel | F2069 |
2 | de Weerd / Swaters | 1878 | Gorssel | F2065 |
3 | Hoeve / Vlogtman | 1869 | Gorssel | F2063 |
4 | Karssing / Nijkamp | 1914 | Gorssel | F1215 |
5 | Koop / Steenblik | 1880 | Gorssel | F1961 |
6 | Koster / Koerselman | 1835 | Gorssel | F2138 |
7 | Lodeweges / ten Have | 1820 | Gorssel | F3335 |
8 | Nijkamp / Marsman | 1858 | Gorssel | F4438 |
9 | Nijkamp / Nijland | 1891 | Gorssel | F4435 |
10 | Nijland / Bieleman | 1856 | Gorssel | F4447 |
11 | Nijland / Horsman | 1919 | Gorssel | F905 |
12 | Nijland / Nijland | 1889 | Gorssel | F4445 |
13 | Scholten / ten Have | 1838 | Gorssel | F3310 |
14 | Swaters / Tichelman | 1853 | Gorssel | F1976 |
15 | ten Have / Hagenbrummel | 1811 | Gorssel | F1981 |
16 | Tichelman / | 1979 | Gorssel | F2026 |
17 | Tichelman / Hoeve | 1891 | Gorssel | F2064 |
18 | Tichelman / Hoeve | 1892 | Gorssel | F2062 |
19 | Tichelman / Janzen | 1857 | Gorssel | F1974 |
20 | Tichelman / Langenkamp | 1865 | Gorssel | F1950 |
21 | Tichelman / Poterman | 1926 | Gorssel | F2117 |
22 | Tichelman / T | 1938 | Gorssel | F3418 |
23 | Tichelman / ter Beek | 1876 | Gorssel | F2067 |
24 | Tiggelman / | 1946 | Gorssel | F1078 |
25 | van Burik / Stoelhorst | 1867 | Gorssel | F2600 |
26 | Velders / Koerselman | 1823 | Gorssel | F2137 |